Tuesday, June 3, 2008

gogh and picasso...this and that...

van goghs and picasso's paintings from MOMA NY...they are beyond me..modern art is not for me...
Museums in NY are very interesting and have unique collections...some highfi paintings and modern art ..good for the manhattan highfi people...
For ordinary small town folks like me Mademe Tussad is more appealing..
rest all are overrated like Monolisa in paris..
I was so excited to see Monolisa but when I went to louvre to see Monolisa , I realised it was so small, so overrated...I feel the same way about Goghs and picassos paintings..I feel they are overrated...may be Iam wrong..
what else..
obama is almost there ..just 2 delegates short of getting democratic nomination...finally...a man who was no where in news or political arena one year back and look at where he is in five months..that is what is all about charisma, careful planning, great campaigning and above all great judgement and maturity despite his younger age..Impressive...Iam glad the nominee I believed in and campaigned for is winning..I admire Hillary too being a woman making it so far in a mans world..great candidates..may the best win..
what else..
After a week of poor health, tired long days finally Iam feeling spring and summer..
Iam not getting to read that much..I watched a lot of silly movies,travel videos,tv shows, news...
books Iam reading : Hari kunzru, Alvin Toffler, obamas books still reading them..Iam also reading punjabi century written by prakash Tandon...
Salman Rushdie's new novel is out..cant wait to read it...
movies I watched : Nanny diaries ( chik flick),Egypt travel videos (on mummies,pyramids), bujjugadu ( telugu prabhas new movie in theatre with too many fights)..
I volunteered, went to museum to see Ansel adams and yosemite exhibition ( which was disappointing with not many photographs of Ansel adams and that too super small prints of Ansel adams), hung out with girlfriends, heard girlfriends problems in long phone conversations, totally wasted my week in trivial things..
week looks busy with new projects and work.
weekend looks busy...wedding of a friends friend, 5k walk for melanoma which Iam walking with 2 girlfriends which should be very interesting, sex in the city movie plan with girlfriends, lots of books to read, chinese show to raise money for quake victims..as usual lots of do..
same usual boring single life with no romance but lots of work and things to do..as usual..