Wednesday, November 5, 2008

finally He can and He did it...

Last nite was emotional for me..
finally Obama proved he can and he did it..
when he won PA and Ohio and they showed kenya and people there eagerly waiting for results I cried..
I read both obamas books and his book "Dreams from my father" touched my soul..Having lost my dad, staying away from home for years and years I can understand what obama went through growing up without a dad, living with grandparents, coming from poor family.. Obamas journey is an inspiration and he should be proud of what he became..
wish his grandmother was alive for just one more day to see this great day..
I cannot vote but I campaigned a little bit for obama because his story struck a chord with me..His idealism, his political ideology, his plans on education and healthcare etc., resonate with what I feel..Iam not a democrat or a republican as I think Iam a long way to understanding the US political system but I liked obama..
Iam glad he made history and what an amazing campaign it was. some of my friends campaigned too and just the campaign he put up, the amount of money he raised, how he ran for his presidency, how he handled himself in presidential debates, the story of his life, the way he sees the world tell a lot about the man..Iam sure he will make a good president..
Hope he gets time to rest a lil bit, catch his breath and takes care of his health and gets to spend some goodtime with his two cute young daughters before he starts working hard again..what a battle what a victory..
this economic meltdown worked good for obama..and all the endorsements he got at the right time helped him was his destiny to be the president and all the cards fell in place..he is born to be a great man...
mccain gave avery graceful speech too.. I admire mccain too for fighting for the country but his choice of VP, bad campaign decisions, lack of proper plan for a economically beaten country, age, lack of good campaign strategy cost him big..
whatever it is glad it is over and it ended well.
my days last three months were consumed in following politics and elections..
finally I will have more free time.. is keeping me busy..
work keeps me busy five days a week, volunteering or preparing for a month long India trip is keeping me busy with somuch traveling planned through Italy and India..I still did not find a furnished apartment to stay in India, still so much to do..Iam going home to India but have no home..Irony of life is for people like me living in two countries, loving both countries has made life harder..
I am neither there or here.. when Iam here in US I miss India and family...when Iam there in India I miss US and friends..nostalgic life either way..staying in apartments both places..there is no place called home or I have two temporary homes..thats life..
taxes to do in India and US, business to take care of in India and in US, apartments to take care of in India and US, family in India and is just more richer, more diversified and I have one foot here in this continent in US and other in Asia in India.. I manage to stand on both which is amazing...
so much to do in India too..
I have to learn so much about indian tax system in the next two weeks before I go..
I have to book an apartment for a month in India
I have to book pooja at tirupathi temple which is busy and booked until 2025..
Ihave to plan business trips and meetings in India..
so much to do as usual.
I barely get time to read any books..
Diwali was fun..I volunteered at the temple all day saturday and helped cook food for 250 people which was fun..
finished Aravind adigas booker novel which I thoroughly enjoyed..
reading Junot diazs booker novel on oscar wao life right now..
Also reading chetan bhagats one nite at call center..
3 more weeks of work and then vacation time and trip to India...
little nephews in India waiting, nieces waiting, big extended family to spend time with, elderly aunties and uncles to to take care of , taxes to do in India life goes on..
there is always something to do..
new year is coming with a new president, new life and hopefully some love and soulmate for me...
have to see how fate and life unfolds as the new year arrives..